Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dr. Seuss Dr.Seuss

So since my dad is visiting for a few days, i was able to get out of the house with just Londyn this morning. I love being able to spend time with just her. She is so much fun and full of so much personality. We headed to Target, If you don't know Target is a huge supporter of Read Across America. Since Dr.Seuss birthday is March 2nd they were having a birthday party at all stores across the country. We went up to the North Target. I was very happy to find it not to be crowded. We listened to a story, received a goody bag and ate a cupcake!!! We were also very excited to show off our Dr.Seuss t-shirt. Oh come on you had to expect i would have an outfit for this:)...I wouldn't cooperate for pictures but my shirt said "Love that Cat". Then i headed to the Overstock sale at Toscana Park and found a great new clothing company for kids called Toeheadz, they are located locally but you can only order on line. I am so excited to check them out and order some things. I love shoes for myself or for the kids and they carry the line Livie and Luca, they are pricey shoes but such amazing quality!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Future Buckeye Cheerleaders:) we are starting gymnastics soon to prepare for 2029 tryouts!!!!


well this was Harpers first Valentine's day and of course i dress the girls for the occassion. Its sooo much fun!!!!! i love to dress the girls cute. I will share some of my favorite things and places i buy from in the coming days. On valentine's morning i made londyn heart shaped waffles with strawberries and whip cream. she ate them off the Red Plate!!

here are some pictures from the party and at home. We even have some sisterly love in the pics ENJOY:)

ok ok i am behind but its been a little crazy around here

ok when i started this blog i told (or maybe tried to convince myself) i would keep up with it daily. Well i am behind but the last 2 weeks have looked like this. We had play dates, I had class and tests and Harper got sick and put in the hospital,  i got a new job and had orientation, i have booked  a crazy amount of weddings and met with several  brides on top of our normal everyday stuff. OY!!!!! So that is a recap of the last 2 weeks.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sweet Baby Harper

oh sweet baby Harper, why do you wake up so OK i will admit it i am not a morning person at all and have been fortunate that my oldest takes after her mom and is a sleeper and likes to sleep in late real late, i think Londyn would spend all day in bed if i would let her but sweet baby Harper is not. She is usually up by 7:30 which i am OK with but This morning as i am sound asleep and all cozy warm on the comes the monitor, i reach for my phone 5:00 am...HARPER!!!!!! i stumble out of bed into her room and there she is looking up and smiling me at me, how can you not love that...OK kiddo lets do this, i change her and bring her back to bed with me and she cuddles for a bit and then fusses...time to eat mom, we stumble down stairs and i lay her in her swing while i get her bottle made, the bottle is done and we settle in on the couch and she eats, ahhh thanks mom!!! oh my sweet baby Harper as much as i dislike that you wake up before the sun, i do like spending quiet mornings with you before the craziness of the day starts...I think she wakes up sometimes just to spend quiet time with me, b/c when L wakes up its no stop go go go so I will take mornings like this as long as you promise not to wake up at 5 am every morning;) but few upsides to early morning wake ups. I can catch up on some DVR time and We go back to bed after she eats!!! so back to bed we go for a couple of hours!!!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Job Hunt

ahh the job hunt is on. Yes i enjoy being home with my girls but i did not further my education to just sit at home all day so i am in the market for a JOB!!!! i don't want to give up time with the girls but i want to work, i want to have an identity and make some money. But fortunately i choose a career field that is flexible and i can do a lot with it and have the Best of both Worlds. Do you know how frustrating looking for a job is. I have always been very lucky in my job quests. I got hired with a company right out of college and then moved on to another company with out any problems, a massive amount of interviewing but never any problems. Well i had an interview today, very excited but very nervous. HELLO i haven't interviewed for a job in like 4 years and never a nursing job. Well i went looking all nice and the lady decided to go home for the day...Fabulous just freaking Fabulous!!!! i felt kinda like how i felt in sales, you know when your appointment stands you up but a HR manager doing that what the heck!!!so i went on to my APHY201 class to learn about our cranial nerves and spinal cord..Fun Stuff i tell ya
Check in tomorrow for our day. Its Playdate Wednesday!!!


well after following tons of blogs and finally starting one for the business and some encourgement from good friends. I have decided to start a  blog so that i can talk about my likes, dislikes, what works for us and what doesn't and to vent sometimes if i must, i find it therapeutic and it will save my husband from listening to me. I am opionated and i am ok with that, if you don't like then don't read the blog simple as that:). This blog will be about our daily adventures.. I am a mom to 2 beautiful little girls (18months and 5 months) who keep me really busy, we do a lot of things and really enjoy it. I like getting them involved in things and bringing out there personalities. so follow us if you want and enjoy the CRAZY LIFE WE LEAD!!!!